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Resting Hand Splint Pediatric Right


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SKU: 2417A Category:


LG 1-2-3 PRO-REST Pediatric Hand Splint Orthosis * Flex-E-Core needs no heat & no tool * Adjustable: withstands tone; adjust to provide nerual feedback to control contracture tone spasticiy; return ROM; WHFO Wrist Hand Finger Orthosis Wrist Splints Contracture Management * Just like our 2410 series but in miniature * The LG 1-2-3 PRO-REST Pediatric RESTing Hand splint Orthosis now with Exclusive 1-2-3 Strap Application Guide * Flex-E-Core Technology makes any adjustment easy * Sizing: Wrist crease to elbow crease minimum 6 inches; this is a minimum; you must have at least 6 inches between the Wrist Crease and the Elbow Crease * Perfect for stabilizing Wrist-Hand-Fingers * Easy don / doff *

Additional information

Weight 0.3 lbs
Dimensions 8 × 4 × 1 in